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Bipartisan Experts Join The Discussion

Meet the Press NOW Welcomes New Panelists Joe Crowley and Danielle Pletka

Bipartisan Experts Join the Discussion

Panel to Discuss Pressing Issues

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Meet the Press NOW, the popular weekly news and public affairs program, announced today the addition of two esteemed panelists to its roster: Joe Crowley (D-NY) and Danielle Pletka. Crowley, a former U.S. Representative, and Pletka, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, will join the panel alongside moderator Chuck Todd to provide their insights on the latest news and events shaping the nation.

"We are thrilled to welcome Joe Crowley and Danielle Pletka to the Meet the Press NOW panel," said Todd. "Their diverse perspectives and deep understanding of our political landscape will bring invaluable contributions to our discussions."

Crowley served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019 and was the former Chairman of the Democratic Caucus. He has a proven track record of effective leadership and a commitment to finding bipartisan solutions. Pletka is a renowned foreign policy expert who has served as a consultant to the U.S. government and advised presidential candidates. Her expertise in international affairs will provide invaluable insights into the global challenges facing the country.

The addition of Crowley and Pletka to the panel is expected to enhance the program's ability to deliver balanced and informed discussions on a wide range of topics, including politics, policy, and current events. Meet the Press NOW airs every Sunday on NBC and is available online.
